veterinary spay and neuter surgery on cats and dogs


The Animal Clinic of Billings’ main concern is maintaining the health and wellbeing of your cat. There are times when the veterinarian believes a surgical procedure is the best possible treatment for your pet. In that case, you will decide whether your feline friend will have the surgery. We understand it’s a difficult decision, and our veterinarians and staff are here for you too.

The veterinarian bases his or her recommendation for cat surgery on sound medical reasoning. And It is important you understand what surgical procedure is recommended and why, how the process will be performed, and when it will take place.


The two categories of cat surgery are elective and urgent/emergency.

emergency veterinarian helping cat at vet hospitalELECTIVE CAT SURGERIES INCLUDE:
  • Spay
  • Neuter
  • Dental Extractions
  • Skin lacerations or abscess
  • Intestinal obstruction from a foreign body
  • Skin cancers
  • Fracture repair


veterinarian checking a cats heart beat

Elective surgeries take place when your cat is healthy, which dramatically reduces the risk of complications. Even urgent cat surgeries are at a significantly lower risk thanks to improvements in modern medicine and the standards of veterinary care.

Those standards include an extensive list of pre-surgical procedures such as the following:

  • Exams 
  • Premedication
  • Introduction of fluids 
  • Pain control  
  • Monitoring of vital signs 

Also, improved guidelines during surgery have significantly reduced the risks associated with cat surgeries. Those protocols include high-level monitoring equipment of vital signs such as body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, CO2 levels, oxygen level, and a knowledgeable anesthesiologist.

cat vet emergency veterinary hospitalDECIDING TO PROCEED WITH CAT SURGERY

Agreeing to approve a recommended surgery is easier if you have as much information as possible. A meeting with the veterinarian going over the surgical procedure, possible complications, recovery, and other factors will help you to make a decision you are comfortable with.  

veterinarian performing surgery on dogs and cats

Deciding whether to have your cat undergo surgery is ultimately in your hands, our veterinarians and surgical technicians will work to support your efforts to make an informed, compassionate decision that is in the best interests of your cat.

Factors to consider cat surgery include:

  • Age and health of the cat
  • Potential complications from the surgery
  • Possible outcome without surgery
  • Recovery time and post-op care 


Pre-surgical instructions from your veterinarian will vary depending on the type of surgery performed, and whether the cat surgery is emergency or planned. However, the Animal Clinic of Billings staff will provide you with a set of pre-surgical instructions and a general guideline for preoperative precautions. You can fast the night before the surgery – no food after 8 pm and no water after midnight.  

veterinarian holding cat

Be on time for your cat’s operation; there is a necessary pre-surgical process that mandates your cat be admitted to our hospital when he or she is scheduled. Pay attention to post-surgical instruction from your veterinary care team and call the Animal Clinic if you have questions regarding your cat’s post-operative care.


cat surgery feline anestesiaAt the Animal Clinic of Billings, we treat every cat according to its specific medical and surgical needs. The anesthesia is tailored to each patient. We adhere to strict guidelines for administering anesthesia before, during, and, if necessary, after surgery.

Cat anesthesia is very safe when the patients are stabilized before the procedure. The surgical team members will have a comprehensive understanding of the cat’s medical condition before surgery. There is always some risk of using anesthesia. However, the risk is minimal when administered by a highly skilled veterinarian and surgical team.

Recovery depends upon the length of the procedure, the age of the cat, and the amount of pain medication needed to keep your cat free from post-operative pain.

veterinarian smiling with catTHINGS TO BE AWARE OF POST ANESTHESIA

  • It’s normal for your cat to be sleepy or disoriented for a few hours 
  • Your cat may sleep deeper or longer 
  • due to the sedating effects of anesthesia
  • Review with your veterinarian any feeding and comfort tips, depending on the type of anesthetic used, and the surgical procedure performed.


We tailor all post-surgical instructions for your cat depending upon the procedure and your cat’s needs. However, we will provide you with cat surgery recovery instructions. Return to the Animal Clinic of Billings to pick up your cat at the time you were provided when admitting your pet. When you return, a surgery staff member will review the procedure and explain the post-surgical care.

A general guideline for post-operative care:

  • For routine procedures, most cats go home two hours after awakening from the anesthesia
  • For advanced or emergency surgeries, extended stays of 24 hours or longer may be necessary to monitor vital signs and deliver critical care
  • Make sure you understand the post-surgical instructions.

children loving animalsThings to review at pick up time:

  • Changing bandages, caring for stitches
  • Giving your cat medication, food, and water
  • Assisted care tips
  • Scheduling a follow-up appointment 
  • When, you get home, allow your cat to recover in a warm, and quiet space of its choosing.
  • Keep your cat inside for at least 24 hours to suture care (stitches): Most surgeries will require extra sutures. Our veterinary staff will review the aftercare plan with you, including preventing your cat from licking or chewing incinsion.
  • When, you get home, allow your cat to recover in a warm, and quiet space of its choosing.
  • For the first 24 hours, closely monitor your cat as it recovers. Please call if you have any concerns
  • Some cats may be sent home with an Elizabethan Collar to prevent them from licking or biting out the stitches.
  • Monitor the incision signs of infection – which may include swelling and/or redness.
  • Follow your cat’s recovery program until you are told to stop by your veterinarian.


Our veterinary staff has highly experienced and caring cat people who are happy to ease any stress or worries associated with cat surgery.

cat surgery


Our highly trained and experienced team of veterinarians and veterinary technicians can help you keep your furry friends happy and healthy.

Call the Animal Clinic of Billings and Animal Surgery Clinic to schedule your cats next wellness examination with us today!